Africa's Snow White [Video 6] Old Photos & Paintings tell a story

[ The art of bringing old Photos (even paintings) back to life, and giving them a voice ]

🔎Elizabeth shows us how photos & paintings are given life (Video 6)
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[This is a work in progress, more videos will be added over time]

So it's no secret anymore - My youngest son, Jonathan, has written a Romance-mystery novel, based on my family's story. It follows the real story 90% accurately - though Jonathan has taken liberties with conversations and minor details, but he does so very well. 

VICKY, in her review, blew my "rather delicate" cover, and as we cannot remove her review, I've had to "come clean". Here is VICKI's detective work: "I feel like a reporter for the national inquirer or something. When I ordered Jennifer Eloff's low-carb books back in January I noticed a new novel with an interesting title listed alongside them for sale as well. On a hunch I ordered the novel -- and what a find! Not only is it exactly the kind of romance novel I like to read, it is also a scandalous thriller with a plot worthy of any Agatha Christie murder-mystery. Except this novel is based on a true story. Given that Jennifer's surname is very unusual, I googled ELOFF and soon realized that it is very South African --- as, it turns out, is Jennifer originally. From reading her blogpost of October 28th it is quickly apparent THAT THE AUTHOR IS HER SON! This all starts to make sense as he would have had the necessary access to inside information in order to write this novel, and believe me - you cannot make up a story like this, it's way too unusual. That leaves a few more mysteries, but one in particular. If the author is her son, then who is she in the book? There are really only two good candidates -- Denise who is a striking blonde with green eyes, and Elizabeth who has brown hair and blue eyes. Looking at her photos in her website and on the backs of her books, the answer is almost certainly that JENNIFER ELOFF IS DENISE in this novel. Just as well since anyone having a mother like the unfortunate Elizabeth definitely would have a very heavy burden to bear throughout life. Based on this novel I would have to say that Elizabeth has deservedly earned her place in literary history as `Africa's Snow-white' -- and her mother is definitely as sinister as the queen in that old fairytale. These novels are appropriately named. But this means that somehow Denise and Elizabeth meet and become friends, as how else would Denise know so much about Elizabeth's life to be able to relate the story to her son? My suspicion is that Nicholas, their mutual love-interest, somehow is responsible for them meeting. I can't wait to read about that. Believe me when I tell you that this book is the kind of novel that is very rare now days and it is tough to put down once started. I really just cannot wait for the sequel. This young author is truly gifted. I MUST know how it all ends!!! If anyone else has any insights into Jennifer's life growing up in Africa, please share!"

COMMENT: Vicky is mistaken; see if you can figure out who is who.