The subtle orange flavor is delightful in these cookies.  The texture is tender right out of the refrigerator.  This recipe makes so many cookies, that you can freeze most of them and take them out of the freezer and put them in the refrigerator as needed.  You can also eat them straight out of the freezer; they have a more chewy texture when frozen.  Cookies are timeless, right?  Especially chocolate chip cookies.  There are so many varieties of chocolate chip cookies - endless - sort of like the endless varieties of low-carb pancake recipes.  Haha -  Anyway, could not let Thanksgiving come and go without giving a new dessertified recipe (is that a word?).  HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!

21/4  cups Gluten-Free Bake Mix 2 (560 mL)
3/tsp salt (3 mL)
1 cup unsalted butter, softened (250 mL)
3 oz cream cheese, softened (90 g)
Sugar substitute with bulk* to equal  (see below in the Helpful Hints)
  1 cup sugar (125 mL)
2 eggs
11/2  tsp unflavored gelatin (7  mL)
1/tsp orange extract (2 mL)
  {1 cup (250 mL)}

Preheat oven to 350°F (180°C).  In medium bowl, combine Gluten-Free Bake Mix 2 and salt.

In food processor, process butter and cream cheese.  Add sugar substitute with bulk, eggs, gelatin and orange extract; process well.  Add dry ingredients; process.  Stir in chocolate chips.  Place 11/teaspoonfuls (7 mL) of cookie dough on greased cookie sheets (or use parchment paper).  Bake 12 to 14 minutes, or until cookies are golden brown underneath.  Allow to cool completely on cookie sheets.

Helpful Hints:  *I used Natural Mate® erythritol/sucralose granular for baking. There is an erythritol/stevia version as well, if you prefer.  Available on You can use anything like Steviva Blend, Truvia or you could simply use a combination of erythritol (no more than 1/3 cup granulated) and liquid sucralose or liquid stevia.

To freeze cookies:  Place cookies between pieces of parchment paper to fit the container.  Freeze.   However, if you are planning on eating them and not freezing them, keep them in the refrigerator for the best texture.  If desired use half chopped pecans and chocolate chips.  You can't see it in the photo, but I used half white chocolate chips as chocolate often gives me migraines.  Every chocolate recipe I bring to you is brought with a price I have to pay.  Yep, I can't resist even with the thought of possibly getting a migraine.  I love chocolate, but I think I have probably had my fare share in my lifetime and now it's sort of given me up.  It's sad and sometimes I feel rather upset about it, but what can one do.  Several other foods do that as well; strawberries, walnuts, MSG (not a food), soy sauce, Worcestershire sauce, etc.   It handicaps me slightly as a cook.  

Yield:  54 cookies
1 cookie
75.4 calories
1.3 g protein
6.5 g fat

1.2 g net carbs